Wednesday, May 14, 2014


MAGIC HAT #9 - Always a favorite, always a great choice. 12oz of just the right magic, with a full flavored taste of humour. This cap just says it all...

GAZING @ NATURE - Ahhh...the Reece's of nature. Here we have a perched squirrel native to Vilano Beach, FL, nourishing his belly with a freshly picked mushroom. It's always fascinating what nature has to say. This piece represents my connection with the wild and the enjoyment it brings to observe it. You never know what nature is up to. 

WHITE NOISE - A pair of these bad jacksons and music listens to you. LITERALLY. Cause if you want to listen to music you'll need the sorts of an ipod or iphone. All joking aside these guys have gotten me through rigorous hours of airport layovers, greyhound round trips, and awful music, as will any headphones, but these ones are my favorite. Listen to that bass...

LOBSTER - The simple pleasures in life. Seafood is great, but lobster is better. And then it gets better...especially when you procure them yourself. A favorite past-time and food of mine, I look forward to every summer, as the ocean's gold awaits for my next adventure.

ARABICA - A brew with a mighty force, that's costly if your not the source.  A supplier of anti-oxidants, the reviver to all nonsense. Tall, medium, or small,  a beverage dear to us all. COFFEA; home of the expensive and brave. 

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